Monday, September 12, 2011

Political Issues

Issues, we've got them. The political issues that concern me the most are military funding, taxes, and global warming.

The United State has spends $500-$700 billion per year on defense, in 2010 alone the total spending on the Department of Defense was over 12% of the total federal funding. So much money has been spent on the military and defenses instead of other places where it could have been more useful, like in the Department of Health and Human services or the Department of Education. The military funding of course creates jobs and protects the country, but does the most powerful country really need so much protection? While our country is lacking in education and not willing to spend more then necessary on it, we shovel money into defense like its a coal train with an engine problem. Once we start cutting the military spending then we will be able to both spend more on things like education, but also save and possibly reduce the debt even if by a small amount.

Taxes one of the smartest ideas since the sandwich! Taxes literally make a country, with out them both the government and the country would be nothing. So why does the government think that its such a great idea to tax the people with the least money instead of the people the ones with the most money? The amount of money they would gain would be almost the same either way so why not taxes those who can afford to lose the money instead of the people who are struggling as it is. I'mm not saying that the government should stop taxing the lower to middle classes but raise the bar for the mid-upper to upper classes. Also if the people of this country are so in debt then why can the government afford to pay 535 people $193,400 annually. Once the government starts heightening the taxes on the rich, maybe even on the middle class too, this issue will slowly start to sort itself out ... hopefully.

Finally global warming, yes it is real! (Michele Bachmann please leave) Global warming is a huge issue that everyone in the world faces, not in the US, but can be stopped (well slowed down). Global warming is apart of a cycle that takes 40,000 years to complete the problem we have is that the cycle is increasingly being speed up because of the toxic waste we put on the earth and in the atmosphere. The solution seem simple, but is not, the people of the earth have been using harmful but efficient means of energy and transportation for the past 150 years, so what will we use instead? This issue is commonly brought up, but so many politicians  blow it off because there are "more important matters", but if the depleting ozone layer goes to far the world wont be able to survive. More money and time should be spent on finding more efficient ways of getting energy and finding easier non-harmful ways of transportation. 

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