Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Questions and Facts about Frontline: Top-secret America


  • Congress gave the President a "blank check" to go after the terrorist group called Al Qaeda
  • CIA had the first placed troops in Afghanistan
  • When higher-up Al Qaeda members were capture the "disappeared" and ended up in "Black Sites" 
  • John Rizzo authorized the construction of these "black sites" these were a part an international secret prison system that was helped by the cooperation of other countries
  • The NSA was and is allowed to tap/ intercept phone calls and such even without a permit or warrant
  • OSP- office of special plans had all the source information that was available to the us so they could pick up on terrorism within our borders
  • NSA was shifted to counter-terrorism
  • NSA spent billions on private companies so they could hire employees to digest huge amounts of data that came from an analyzer that could intercept all calls within the borders of America and call coming in to our borders
  • As a Nation $80 billion has been spent on intelligence agencies
  • When President Obama came into power he reauthorize all these intelligence agencies and operations

  • Where is the funding for these operations coming from?
  • When will we be able to shift back to a time where we do not have any of these kinds of agencies?
  • Were there any agencies, like there are now, before 9/11?
  • Since the Obama administration has there been any major changes to these agencies?
  • How many people are involved, in total?
  • Are these agencies international or just within our borders?
  • As a country how should we react/ handle the fact that these agencies have the ability to break constitutional law?
  • Have any other countries modeled their "anti-terrorist" operation off of ours?
  • Was this video all based on fact?
  • If asked what will government officials say to the fact that these agencies are breaking the 4th amendment?

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