Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Political Cartoon: Current Event/ Current Subject

GOP Blocking Health Care Reform

What does elephant lock mean and why is it important?

Is it only Republicans who are opposed to Obama's Healthcare reform?

Should Obama keep trying to compromise with both parties, or should he try and stick with his own party and try to gain a majority vote without compromise?


  1. From Peter Ngo:
    1. The elephant represents the Republican party; its important because the Republicans are against Obama;s Healthcare reform.
    2. I don't think it is only the Republicans who oppose the reform because it doesn; it wouldn't make sense if it was 'only' the Republicans who disagree with the reform. There has to be others who disagree with it like other Democrats, etc.
    3. Obama should continue to compromise with both parties, because if only the Democrats vote with Obama that will send a negative message to the Republicans and create more animosity.

  2. This is an interesting political cartoon. The idea is funny because it is a poor representation of the situation. If the box was labeled Obama's healthcare plan, then it would be more realistic. Republicans should not have to pass laws that they do not agree with, just because the president wants them to. I'm not happy that so many people do not have healthcare, but I think President Obama's healthcare plan is too expensive.

  3. @Jason
    The republicans have no health care plan. Leave it to the insurance companies. Pre-existing conditions! Poor people can't afford! No job? No healthcare!

    Is their logic. Obama's plan WOULD have been better if they didn't lose the single payer plan. But the new one is still very good.

    I elaborate on that, there.
