Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Electoral College Reform: Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?


  1. The two-party system, that was unseen by all, except George Washington, became the destruction of the Electoral College.
  2. The original Electoral College was meant to choose the best candidate, not the Democrat or Republican that won the most states.
  3. The arguments for the Electoral College were that it was supposed to balance the powers of the states that were screwed by the Constitution, and confiding the election of the President to Congress.
  4. The Electoral College is unbalance in a democratic sense, because each state gets two votes no matter their population.
  5. The Electoral College can also choose the "wrong" President, in a sense that it can mess up the President with the most votes by the people, instead of choosing the candidate who won the public opinion, they choose the candidate who gets the most states. Just like the 2000 election, which i think we can all agree Bush wasn't the best President this country has seen.
  6. The original Electoral College's logic may seem odd to us, but it was intended that people of a higher intelligence  than the average American citizen at the time, would make the better choice.
  7. The Electoral College makes it so the Candidate only needs to visit the swing states, and can ignore the states which vote one way because of this two party system.
  8. The electors are had picked and not elected, how ironic.
  9. There are laws the require an elector to vote for the candidate who selected them.
  10. There have only been 10 electors that have violated their pledge to a candidate.

  1. Would the author support an new system, party wise, in hopes of balancing the Electoral College?
  2. Does the author see the majority of American are unfit to select their President?
  3. How would the author changed the system so the 2000 election occurred differently?
  4. Are there any reforms that the author would agree with or do they think that the Electoral College is not the problem?
  5. How should we, as voters,citizens, etc. feel about the Electoral College?

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