Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two Articles from Taxpayers For Common Sense

Article 1: The Department of Energy FutureGen Initiative

  • FutureGen was a multi-million dollar project aimed at building and operating the first coal powered zero emissions power plant.
  • The plant was intended to produced hydrogen and electricity from coal, while capturing the harmful CO2 emissions and storing them underground.
  •  The first FutureGen project was canceled in 2008 due to the prices in the economic market.
  • In 2010 the project was taken up again, but instead of building a whole new plant the $1 billion dollars would go to an oil-burning plant that would be re-designed so the plant had the ability of "advanced oxy-combustion".
  • As of now the company Ameren, that supported the porject, is backing out causing a lose in the money being spent on the project.
Article 2: Pet Rock Budgeting
  • Instead of cutting spending in certain places, the Super Committee is too busy fighting over whose programs gets cut.
  • Many things like NASA and earmarks have been discussed within the committee; we already know what happened to NASA, which is odd because it was one of the only extremely popular programs with in the system.
  • The defense secretary says that the Pentagon is doing its part, but there is still evidence to show that the defense budget will go up in the next ten years, and not down.
  • The members of the committee do not want to touch tax expenditures, at all.
  • The article talks of how the committee has not done nearly enough and there should be more cuts and less wasting time.

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