Monday, December 12, 2011

Political Cartoon #3 12/12

Dave Granlund - - Dover AFB mortuary scandal - English - USAF, Military, dead, body parts, disposal, landfill, dump, dumping, soldier remains, cremated, creamatiom, coffins, Dover, mortuary, casualties, war dead, burial, buried, tossed, trash, garbage
Why are there coffins being dumped?
How could the higher ups of Dover AFB allow the discarding of soldiers remains to be in a landfill?
What should we do about the situation, should we pay the families for the disgraces, should the higher ups be fined or reprimanded?

1 comment:

  1. The coffins are being thrown in a landfill because many believe that the US looks at the life of a citizen and doesn't out as much value on it as the United States should. They look at soldiers like pawns, and think it's okay if we lose a few. This author is probably against the wars we are currently in believes that the troops should be removed as soon as possible. I believe that if higher ups disgrace any man who gave their life for their country, really they aren't fit for their job anymore. At least serious consequences should be administered. Do you truly believe that the government views our soldiers this way?
