Thursday, October 6, 2011

Comments on Questions of the Constitution

From Ben N :  In the case of lower class Americans, why is “the land of opportunity” not an apt name America?

I think that "the land of opportunity" is not an apt name for "the great" America. Unlike all the promises immigrants hear, what they find is a society where the rich get richer and the poor get, not children, but poorer. This is all because of the giant black hole, otherwise know as our capitalistic economy. While many people, in America, live better and have higher happiness rate, the only big opportunity is for the top 5%,in income, of our country.

From Nataley :  Has our confidence in our government gone down, since our economy has?

I think that our confidence in the U.S. government has gone down, not because the economy has gone down, but the fact that the government fails to bring the economy, successfully, out of recession. We know that the economic collapse was not, entirely, the government's fault, but when we need someone to blame all the fingers point towards our government because they have not fixed the problem. When the government takes on that blame and doesn't take the initiative to stop political battles and the need to stop the other party at all costs, so that they can raise the economy, that is when our confidence in them can be lowered.

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