Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Health care, Health care, Health care

For my first blog on health care I thought I would explain the difference between the two main systems of health care, that our country is debating about, and which kind is better (of course this is just an opinion). The two main systems of Health care are Private Health care and Universal Health care.
The system of private health care is one in which an organization, separate from the government, provide health care and services to a population. Also called health insurance, it is use in many countries around the world (though these are not all the most advanced countries), as for the options it varies from system to system. It usually involves a contract/ insurance policy describing the exact services that the organization supplies for you in return for your money. Many Americans believe that this form of health care is the 'best' because they don't want to pay for others.

The system of universal health care is one in which a government organization will provide health care for every citizen of the population, while each citizen is paying taxes towards it. This is also called socialized medicine ( yes socialism, it has nothing to do with fascism besides the fact that they are opposite), it is called this because it is a socialistic idea in which only indicates that it is a form of modernized, or progressive medical care. This type of health care is provide for a set population ( ex: Sweden has universal health care, so every citizen is provided with it), or a certain eligible population. For the most part universal health care is also mandatory, though not in all cases. Most Americans disagree with universal health care or don't know enough about the subject to have an opinion, then again most Americans don't care at all.

As you could probably tell by the size/ content difference, I heavily favor universal health care over private health care. As I see it , it seems to me that everyone should have health benefits, whether you need them or not. It has been seen that the most progressive countries in the world have universal health care, also the fact that they are less religious and accept things like global climate change and evolution.


  1. I wonder if people who support socialized (public) schools similarly support socialized (public) health care. Some of the opposition seems to be based on how the issue is presented. At the same time, I know a lot of people who want less govt. control of schools.

  2. I agree with your last paragraph. Universal Health care has more pros than cons, why do people insist on fighting it if they know it can help? Don't say no to the system because the government is involved or yoy don't want to contribute money.

  3. If we were to have universal healthcare, who would pay for it? How will you determine how much everyone pays? Is it really fair for people who have jobs to pay for people who are too lazy to get jobs? Theres a line between can't get a job and those who don't even try to get a job. How do we find this line? Theres many questions to both private and universal healthcare.

  4. I agree that everyone should have health benefits and that universal health care would be very beneficial. Everyone deserves to have health benefits, but who is going to pay for it? Would people be taxed in order to pay for it?
