Sunday, October 30, 2011

The West Wing: The Supremes

Connections to actual Judiciary branch:

1.     The Justices-elect are seen talking about how their decisions on a case are based on the case and not their political ideology.
2.     The Appointment of a Supreme Court Justice by the president.
3.     The choice of the Justices are based on their views and if the Senate will pass them or not.
4.     The President's administration finds multiple candidates in case one is not confirmed by the Senate.
5.     The President does not directly pick the Justice, but has a list presented by his administration.
6.     A moderate Justice would be the best choice, but they wanted an even court.
7.     The President tries to have a justice picked who has view that are close to their own, so they are able to make an impression that will last longer than their presidential term.
8.     A vacant position is usually filled with someone similar to the previous justice.

1.     Would such a liberal justice like, Evelyn Baker Lang, or would she be not even be considered?
2.     Does the president have the same amount of decision power as portrayed?
3.     Were the two justices who were appointed confirmed by the Senate?
4.     Would a Republican Judiciary comity really let such a deal happen?
5.     Do many justices act based on their ideology or are they more moderate/ go case by case?

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