Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances, within Magazines

The separation of powers, and checks and balances is like a magazine, the magazine is made up of many different articles written by the reporters, looked over and edited by the editors, and the sponsors who pay for the magazine and advertise in it, they also get a say in whats written. As a reporter you can write the report the way you want, but the subject is determined by the editor and what is happening. As an editor you decide what is written and you pass on articles/ reports that can be used. Finally, as a sponsor you pay for the magazine and you can deem certain things that can be put in the magazine you sponsor.


  1. This simile is very effective and accurate. It works like a cycle with the checks and balances of the reporters, editors, and sponsors. It also provides a separation of power because each person or group of people have a separate job. Also you can add that the power of these groups (reporters, editors, and sponsors) get their power from the people because they use the poeples interest in finding ideas for the articles. Could you add a part in the simile for the Constitution?

  2. This a very good simile. The reporters, editors, and sponsors represent the three branches of government (Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches) and it shows how they have separate functions, or powers. But are the reporters, editors, and sponsors similar to the three branches of government in their responsibilities or are they similar in how the power is split?
