Sunday, October 23, 2011

Interview: Constitution Questions

I interviewed the center of my family's universe, my mother. I asked a few of the question that i myself had for the US Constitution. She answered them in turn and gave here opinion about each matter.

  • Would the founding fathers agree with the Amendments that we have made to the constitution, both in recent years and right after?
    • Her response was: the founding fathers would agree with many of the amendments made right after the constitution, but some of the more recent amendments the would not understand many of the amendments that have been made recently. Even in the 20th century, like the amendment dealing with equal rights of all sexes/ women's suffrage, for the most part they would have thought it weird because it goes against their ideology the accepted ideology of the time period.
  • How long did the founding fathers expect the US Constitution would last?
    • Her response: They might have been hopeful that it would go indefinitely, or last for many generations. But most likely they did not expect that it could have lasted to long and the opinion could have changed depending on which founding father it was.
  • Is it fair that there are no actual requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice (besides appointment and confirmation)?
    • Her response: no, it does seem very unfair, but the person has to be chosen by the president, whom needs to make decisions that will get him re-elected. So it is a bit unfair, but the President wouldn't appoint anyone unfit.
(some of these questions have been change from the original post to better fit to an interview)

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