Sunday, November 6, 2011

10 Facts About Our 9 Justices

Facts/ Questions:

  1. Many of the current Justices worked for/ under former Justices in the Supreme Court.
  2. Two justices were nominated by President Obama, two were nominated by President Bush Jr., two were nominated by President Clinton, one was nominated by President Bush Sr., and  two were nominated by President Reagan
  3. What is the Court more conservative or more liberal?
  4. The current veteran of the Court is Antonin Scalia.
  5. John G. Roberts took over the position of Chief Justice after William H. Rehnquist, who he served as a law clerk.
  6. Antonin Scalia went to college in Switzerland.
  7. Ruth Bader Ginsberg helped launch the Women's Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union.
  8. Anthony M. Kennedy served in the California Army National Guard.
  9. Elena Kagen became the 45th Solicitor General of the United States in 2009, before she was nominated by Barack Obama in 2010.
  10. Before being nominated to the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia was a professor of Law at the University of Virginia, the University of Chicago, Georgetown University, and Stanford University.
US Supreme Court (2011)

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