Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frontline: Lost In Detention


  1. The thinks that allowing the importation illegals immigrants, into America, hurts the public.
  2. Obama pushed for the deportation of illegal immigrants so he could gain the favor and support of the Republican party, and possible convince them to vote for reform on illegal immigration.
  3. The new anti-illegal immigration system, which was supposed to deport serious criminals, started to deport immigrants right away, even if they were not involved in serious criminal activity.
  4. ICE has a quota of 400,000 illegal immigrants to deport each year they try to, "You pick up whatever you can," meaning that ICE goes for whatever they find not only serious criminals.
  5. Roxana was force to leave behind five of her children when she was pulled over without a driver's licence and she was found out to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
  6. The conditions within the detention centers were not good.
  7. So far more than 1million illegal immigrants have been deported under Obama's new policies.
  8. There were many claims of abuse within the detention centers for illegal immigrants, much of the abuse reported was related to racism. There were also around 170 cases of sexual abuse reported.
  9. Detention centers for illegal immigrants has become the fastest growing incarceration system in the country with over 250 centers already running.
  10. This video was biased and did not show the actual criminals, but described stories of mistakes or wrongs within the system.

  1. How many illegal immigrants that have been deported have been from mexico?
  2. How should we feel about Canadian illegal immigration and Canada's "brain drain"?
  3. Has Obama gotten a positive response from the Republican party because of his changes to the system, has there been any compromise on immigration reform?
  4. What kind of organization is ICE, are they a police like group, or can are they closer to an FBI type organization?
  5. How does ICE deal with children left behind by their illegal parents?

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