Sunday, November 20, 2011

How Birth Control And Abortion Became Politicized


  1. The first birth control clinic opened in 1916 by Margret Sanger.
  2. At a young age she defined herself as a socialist.
  3. The first usage of birth control might have been in the 1850s which started when rubber was first vulcanized.
  4. Sanger is arrested for opening up her birth control clinic even though she was only giving out information about the subject.
  5. Many women in the 1910s, who used clinics, had illegal abortions. There was even a estimate of as many as 1 out of 3 pregnancies ended in abortion.
  6. Sanger was apposed to abortion and that's why she opened up her birth control clinic, because she wanted to show women a different route. Instead of preventing the birth, she wanted to prevent the conception or dangerous births.
  7. Sanger, in an appeal, had a court rule that it is possible for a doctor to talk to a woman about abortion and birth control.
  8. Margret Sanger founds the American Birth Control League in 1921.
  9. Comstock act made it illegal to talk, write or publish anything haveing to do with abortion or birth control.
  10. Sanger was a eugenics, meaning she believed her "race", white people, were better that other "races"
  11. A survey in the 1970 was taken and it found that there were many members of the Republican party within the American Birth Control League, it was found odd because Republican ideology tends to lean to be more conservative.
  12. The birth control movement started as a liberal reform, but then went to a more conservative one, when it got involved with eugenics.

  1. Was eugenics against women's rights, or the women's rights movement?
  2. Were there any other key women figures in the birth control movement?
  3. When is the earliest know use of birth control/ abortion?
  4. If we looked at Sanger today how would we classify here, what party, ideology,etc would she belong to?
  5. Did Sanger's views change as she got older? or were her views solid throughout her life?

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