Sunday, November 6, 2011

Most Important Supreme Court Cases: Citizens United v. Federal Elections Comission


  1. Stevens wrote a 90 paged dissenting opinion against the ruling of corporations being viewed as individuals/ restriction on corporate donations, in accordance to the funding of elections.
  2. Stevens thought that the ruling was an overreach of the court.
  3. Its started when Citizens United produced an ninety-minute movie on whether or not Hillary Clinton would make a good President.
  4. The main issue was whether it violated the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, and if the act was restricting the first amendment.
  5. Stevens thought that this decision would eventually ruin the democratic system of voting for our President.
  6. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, sections 201 and 203 were declared unconstitutional, in this situation.
  7. It was a 5 to 4 vote.

  1. Will the system change if corpoerations are allowed to donate/ use undetermined amounts of money to support/ pay for a candidates campaign?
  2. What would a Court from 10, 20, or 50 years ago would have said about this case?
  3. Does the US Constitution directly address this issue or is it interpreted?
  4. Could there be a case in the future that deems this action unconstitutional our will this case set a precedent?
US Supreme Court Media Oyez
Cornell University Law School
Huffington Post Stevens' Most Important Cases

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